Tuesday, December 03, 2013

UMS Services 1.2.7

Symbolize Services
- Added support of searching multiple paths for symbols
- Added support of using spotlight to search for symbols

More about Symbolize and UMS Services.
Download UMS Install 1.2.7.dmg

Saturday, November 23, 2013

UMS Services 1.2.5

Symbolize Services
- Corrected identifier lines parsing
- Corrected handling of process names contains spaces
- Added *.sample to searched file patterns in directories to symbolize

More about Symbolize and UMS Services.
Download UMS Install 1.2.5.dmg

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

UMS Services 1.2.4

Symbolize Services
- Corrected pattern matching handling both in symbolizealllogs and add2symbolpath
- Corrected handling of hang files where process identifier and process name could be mixed in Binary Images section and inside the log lines

Mail Creation Services
- Corrected handling of multiple files selection to attach

More about Symbolize and UMS Services.
Download UMS Install 1.2.4.dmg

Friday, November 15, 2013

UMS Services 1.2.3

- Added support of 10.9.x cpu and wakeups resource spin files
- Added support of Symbol Servers and Symbol Server Caches
- Added Mail Creation Services
- Added Symbolize Selection service
- Fixed Identifier lines parsing from Binary Images list

More about Symbolize and UMS Services.
Download UMS Install 1.2.3.dmg

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

UMS Services updated

- Corrected parsing of process names contain spaces
- Corrected handling files with \r\n line ending that could lead to a broken final awk symbolize script file

More about Symbolize and UMS Services.
Download UMS Install 1.1.5.dmg

Friday, January 18, 2013

Fixing 10.8.x ldapdl error messages

If you have a lot of entry in your OSX 10.8+ logs like this
Error loading /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl: dlopen(/System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl: mach-o, but wrong architecture

that means the programs make those log enties are trying to load the ldapdl binary from a 32 bit application and unfortunately the ldapdl version came with 10.8 is a 64 bit only binary. As a temporary solution (till those programs not updated to theirs 64 bitcounter part) you can make an unibin version from an earlier 32 and the current 64 bit version.

1. copy the 10.7.x version of the binary to a temp place, I've used my desktop

2. extract the 32 bit binary from a 10.7.x version to a temp place, that was may desktop too
lipo -extract i386 -output ~/Desktop/ldapdl ~/Desktop/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl

3. extract the 64 bit binary from the 10.8.x version to a temp place, that was may /var/tmp
lipo -extract x86_64 -output /var/tmp/ldapdl /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl

4. Backup your old 10.8.x binary
sudo mv /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl your_backup_place

5. Put the i386 and x86_64 versions together to the official place
sudo ~/Desktop/ldapdl /var/tmp/ldapdl -create -output /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl

6. Correct the owner of the produced file
sudo chown root:wheel /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl

7. Check if everything was fine.
ls /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 219968 Jan 18 13:12 /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl*

lipo -info /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl
Architectures in the fat file: /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ldapdl are: i386 x86_64

Original tip can be found here, thanks!